As a church we are supporting The Corabia Foundation. The Foundation exists to bring the gospel of Jesus Christ to the children and young people of the Zone of Sanpaul through a varied programme of kids' clubs, youth events, social and sports activities, involvement in local churches and local social aid programmes. The main focus of the work of the mission from the outset has been children and teenagers and remains so alongside a growing ministry to the local Roma community.
You can find out more by visiting The Corabia Foundation's website: www.corabiafoundation.co.uk

Elim International Missions are involved in nearly 50 countries around the world, sending missionaries to many different situations, but all with the same aim of reaching people with the good news of Jesus Christ. As a church we support and regularly pray for our missionaries through our Life-link ministry.
Find out how you can get involved supporting Elim Missions here